Wednesday, 2 April 2014

Binding Books

We researched book binding. There sure are a lot of ways to bind a book! It was a company related task but we ended up pretending that we were from other companies, trying to sell our great book binding ideas to the remaining people who were still in the company. I don't know if that makes sense, but we did do a bit of swapping around roles during the session and it all worked out well.

The best way to find information!

Youtube clips show us step by step instructions

This group presented their original idea, without researching first. It involved a 2 step process - gather pages together, then staple! But they did their best with presentation, both oral and visual.

I really like how all of the people in a group are prepared to speak in front of the class.

25 pages of scrap paper folded neatly together result in a very untidy edge. We check out how much would stick out of the cover if we bind all of the pages together like this.

Creating "signatures" - 5 sheets of scrap paper folded together...

 points measured and marked on the fold at regular intervals...

holes created with an awl (we just used a big needle) and stitched together using saddle stitch...

to create a very lovely, tidy pile of pages. This is the method we liked best and will allow us to use either a hard or soft cover  if we ever publish a real book!
Another book binding poster, I just love the miniature example this group added to their presentation, too cute!
If we ever publish a real book... are we ever going to make a real book?... we should make a real book... we are authors, and we should make a real book... when are we going to make a real book? This is pretty much all I have heard from my 'colleagues' in our 'business' for the past few days. The time has come!

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