Sunday 29 November 2015

Some Other Mathsy Stuff, and End of Year Reflection

I don't want to waffle with this, so I'll try to keep it brief. I am feeling a bit happy because I have finished reports, and the mural is complete and I didn't end up having to do the movie... (next year I should try harder to make time).
I just wanted to show a couple of things
An idea I saw on Pinterest, adapted a little, and was pleased with the results. Kaleidoscope names, lots of symmetry- reflection and rotation, and it was something that every single child was successful with.

A chart I made to calculate weight and age on the other planets in our Solar System. The photo is not so clear, and I don't have scales, but most of the children know how much they weigh. I velcro sticky dotted a calculator to the wall for those who needed it, and it gets used frequently. 

End of Year Reflection
I was not so sure about Gloss testing to start with. And I must say that it took ages to retest at the end of the year for final results, longer, I am sure, than it did at the beginning. This is probably because the children were able to answer more questions. Which means that they made progress. In some cases, heaps of progress!
I had a few children move from end of Early Additive, Stage 5, all the way to the beginning of Advanced Multiplicative, Stage 7! In a year! That is incredible!
Number Knowledge didn't increase massively like the Strategies, but there is progress with speed and accuracy in recall of basic facts.
I was amazed with the Gloss test results though. It really must be the problem solving groups, all the discussion, the talk moves, everything, because I saw some brilliant application of strategies during testing. I saw the children using what they had learnt, what they have practised, what they have retained throughout the year. I saw them calculating and problem solving in their heads, not needing paper or materials. I heard them use mathematical language to clearly explain their strategies. And I am impressed.
I still love number games, and we always have one at the beginning and one at the end of each session.
I confess to not doing Problem Solving Groups every single day, some days it's just nice to do other things in maths!
If it would work to include the other strands (statistics, geometry, measurement) with our numeracy classes, I am happy to try it out. But I really like to link strands to all the other curriculum areas we do in our own classes, especially Geometry, my favourite! Perhaps I could do it with both classes. It's just when the opportunities arise with my class, I can't help myself, we end up doing a mathsy/arty/literacy/sciency type activity because it fits with what we are doing!
Gosh I sound intelligent adding y to all those curriculum areas...not!
I'm going now. I have to think about next year, planning day this Wednesday, and if I focus very hard, I might be able to think of something to contribute!

1 comment:

  1. It is so cool to read about the results your kids achieved and I guess testimony to how well the approach does work...:)
